
Since I am what most people would call a voracious reader, I decided to include a section on books that I have found to be encouraging, inspiring or challenging (basically, it’s a list of some of my favorite books).  The books will be listed in no discernible order, other than when I’m reading them or when I’m thinking about them.  If you have thoughts or comments about any of the choices, I’d love to hear about it!

Redeeming Love, Francine Rivers
I love just about anything by this author, but this book is a truly powerful read.  An impacting retelling of the story of Hosea, it truly humbled me as a complete picture of God’s relentless pursuit of His loved ones.

When God Doesn’t Make Sense, James Dobson
One of the many, many books on grief that I read in the wake of my husband’s death, this particular book is a powerful read on the fact that we don’t always understand God’ sovereignty.  It is written very conversationally, which makes it very easy for the reader to connect.

Esther, Charles Swindoll
A very detailed look at the account of Esther, this book gives you a deeper understanding of what her experience was like, as well as a stronger appreciation for her courage.

The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver
A look at missionary work from an outsider’s perspective, I find this book a humbling reminder to reach people where they are at, instead of trying to change them to be like me before sharing Christ with them.

I Married Adventure, Luci Swindoll
An exciting look at a life well lived, this book inspires me to seize the day regardless of where I find myself.  It’s beautifully put together, full of photographs that will make you want to travel!

A Lineage of Grace, Francine Rivers
This book is a detailed imagination of the lives of the five women who are named in the lineage of Christ.  Each woman’s story contains insight and depth that have always helped me to relate better to the challenges they faced, in spite of their honored place in history.

The Great Divorce, A Grief Observed and anything else C.S. Lewis
A master writer with a keen analytical mind  – his writings on grief following the loss of his wife are truly powerful – everything that Lewis writes inspires me.

1 thought on “Inspiring”

  1. I just read a book that you might find interesting. It is short (less than 100 pgs) Ruth: Under the Wings of God by John Piper. It is pretty poetic and very well done. I agree with you that the book When God Doesn’t Make Sense is a good resource for dealing with grief and the tough questions.

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